Now that you have created the questions that you want to include in your form, you can customize the logic in which they will be asked to the respondents.
Click on the particular question from the right-hand sidebar under the Questionnaire tab and then select the Logic tab, which will allow you to apply one of the following logics to it:
Show this question with logic:
You can apply this logic to show the question once in the form flow based on specific conditions.
Note: The conditions to show questions will always be related to the answers to previous questions. Therefore, it is not possible to apply this logic to the first question in the sequence of your forms.
Loop this question with logic:
You can apply this type of logic if you want a particular question to be shown multiple times based on different conditions.
Example: Show the question, "What is the name of your child?" 3 times if the answer to "How many children do you have?" is 3. This allows you to type in the name of each of your children in the order of the following questions.
Note: You need to have a numeric input question added to the sequence of your form before the specific question to which you want to apply the condition.
Show and Loop these question logic combinations:
Of course, you can apply the logic to different questions in your questionnaires, and here is an example of using loop this question and show this question, based on the input given on two different previous to the manipulated questions:
What does the logic applied to my questions look like in the final form?
Once you have added any additional logic conditions to a question, you can go ahead and test the form flow:
Just click on the small eye icon at the top right-hand side of the page, and this will lead you to the preview page (mode) for your new form.
This is how the Show this question and Loop this question logic we added in the example videos above will work when being accessed in this mode. This is the way the form will function at this stage when being entered by any external respondent as well:
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