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Contractbook Drafts
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Contractbook Templates
Contractbook Signature
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Sending a Contract
Signature Process and Types
Collaboration and Negotiation in Contractbook
Contractbook Tasks
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Getting started with Contractbook
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Contractbook in-app Automation builder
Getting started with Contractbook
Signed contracts
Most Frequently Read Articles
Contractbook Folders
Contractbook Drafts
First Steps in Contractbook
Contractbook Templates
Contractbook Signature
Guides for Recipients
Sending a Contract
Signature Process and Types
Collaboration and Negotiation in Contractbook
Contractbook Tasks
Contractbook Shared Drafts and Contracts
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Getting started with Contractbook
Signed contracts
Can I export my contract data to CSV?
How to edit and resend a contract?
Can I store signed contracts in Contractbook?
How can I download all my contracts at once?
How does date extraction for uploaded contracts work?
How to edit a signed contract?
Editing a downloaded signed contract as a PDF
How to delete a signed contract?
Monitor the status of your contracts
How can I download my contracts as PDFs?
What is the difference between uploaded and native contracts?
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Most Frequently Read Articles
How can I assign data and metadata fields to others?
How to do technical troubleshooting in Contractbook?
Using tables in contracts
I cannot access my account as the 6-digit verification code is not sent
Some of the contract signees have not received an email
How to automatically create a review task?
Where can I see who has access to the document's version history?
How can I delete a photo I added to my contract?
How to automatically create approval task when a contract is signed?
How can I search, sort and filter my contracts in Contractbook?
What is a contract ID?
How to delete a pending contract?
How can I add a new row after tables?
Private contract version history
Share document in-app automation
“Personal/signature details in edit mode are missing” when trying to save changes
How does the history section in my contracts work?
Custom task automation
What formatting and editing features can I use in Contractbook?
Can I use data fields in formulas?
Mentioning (Tagging) in comments
Can I share drafts and other documents automatically?
Can I allow customer support technician to access my Contractbook account?
How can I use lists in my contracts?
How can I collect data automatically?
Can I recover a deleted draft, pending contract or a template?
How to set up reminders (renewal) automation with Contractbook?
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Contractbook Folders
How can I delete, rename and move private folders?
How can I search in Contractbook?
What can I do with contracts in folders shared with me?
Organize your contracts and templates with folders
Move contracts to private folders
Add to a shared folder automation
Can I move a private folder with contracts into a shared folder?
Moving or adding contracts?
Move to a private folder automation
How does Contractbook smart reader work in my search?
How to use my private folders?
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Contractbook Drafts
How can I format numbers in data fields?
How to delete a contract draft?
Private comments in drafts
What is the difference between active and resolved comments?
Contract label language
How can I format dates in data fields?
What is a draft?
How to edit or delete comments in drafts?
Contractbook drafts preview mode
What do data fields look like in the body of my contracts?
How can I find comments added to a draft?
How to add public comments to a draft?
Can I add public comments to shared with me drafts or contracts?
Collaborators for private comments in drafts
Public comments for drafts
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First Steps in Contractbook
Take Control of your data fields in the Data Fields Library
Auto-detected reminder tasks on signed contracts
What are the benefits of sharing contracts with your team?
How to create a contract?
Legacy Contract Migration
Smart Template Guide
How to test and troubleshoot new workflows in best practice
What are data fields?
Why use Contractbook?
Everything you should know about suggestions in Contractbook
What can I do, when a draft is shared with me?
Convert your templates to smart templates
Your Contractbook Onboarding Checklist
How do I know if my contract was signed?
The difference between a draft and a template
What is a team folder and how does it work?
What types of permissions can I allow my collaborators in shared drafts?
Contractbook basic workflows and features
Everything you should know about data fields and metadata fields
How can I add and delete data fields?
Can I import contracts from Google Drive or another external source?
How can I make changes to a draft based on comments?
How can I use Contractbook in-app automation builder?
What is the difference between metadata fields and data fields?
Using your Contract View
What are Contractbook automatic tasks?
What signature types can I use in Contractbook?
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Contractbook Templates
How to create a template from a draft or a contract
How can I send a template to others?
Dynamic templates
Templates settings - default signature and language
How can I create a template from scratch?
How to customize a template from Contractbook library?
What are Contractbook predefined templates?
Save and reuse party and signee details in templates
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