How can I connect Contractbook and Pipedrive?
If you have a Pipedrive integration as a part of your Contractbook subscription and you are already a part of a Team, you will be able to use the in-app automated workflow.
By following the steps below, you can connect to your Pipedrive account from Contractbook:
- Click on Automations tab from the top menu
- Click on Integrations from the left-hand sidebar
- Locate Pipedrive under the CRM section
- Click on the blue button Connect to initiate the integration
- In the pop-up window from Contractbook - Integrations, use your Pipedrive login credentials to connect
- Review the requested permissions and choose to Accept and install
In case you do not have the Pipedrive integration included in your package yet, reach out to us and we will assist you with the next steps.
With the addition of Pipedrive to our Contractbook Automation Builder, you can significantly decrease the number of repetitive tasks in your contract management flow.
You are now ready to streamline legal operations by automating contract and Pipedrive pipeline management.
Here is our article with step-by-step guidance on how to set up an automatic workflow.
If you still need additional information or assistance, reach out to us at any time via our Online Support Chat or by sending us an email.