In this article, we will show you how to automatically create a new employee or update an employee record in Zenegy upon contract signature.
It contains the following topics:
- Step-by-step tutorial
- Configuring the automation trigger
- Configuring the automation action
- Using the profile tab
- Using the employee tab
- Using the salary tab
- Using the new Zenegy automation
- Renaming the automation
- Making changes to a published automation
- Deleting automation action
- Using the automation activity feed
- Checking the automation results
How can I automatically create or update employees in Zenegy when an employment contract in Contractbook is signed?
- First, we will configure the automatic record creation in the Zenegy payroll platform when an employment agreement in Contractbook is fully signed.
- With this automation, you can automatically import data from any employment agreement signed through Contractbook to the relevant Zenegy employee by updating or creating their relevant record in the system.
- The event which will trigger this automated workflow is the full signature of the employment contract by all relevant Signees.
- Here is a short video tutorial on the automation setup, and a step-by-step guide follows right after:
- Click on Automations tab from the main menu and then on the blue button Create new at the upper right-hand corner.
- You will be redirected to a pop-up window where you can customize the automation's setup.
How can I configure the trigger event?
- The first thing you need to do is set the trigger event for the automation to be executed.
- To begin with, in our example, select the Contract is signed trigger from the drop-down menu:
- This will automatically open a configuration window to the right in which you can define which contract should initiate the automation.
- You can assign the trigger to every contract, only a contract drafted from a specific template or only a specific contract:
- We will use every contract drafted from a specific template for our automation flow.
- If you have selected the same option as we did, you can then use the search bar below to find the template you want to use as a base for the automation trigger event:
- If you have several templates sharing the same name, click on the small eye icon, and the document will directly open for your review.
- After choosing the correct file, you can select which signature should start the automation.
- This extra configuration enables you to pick whether the trigger of the automation should be executed after each time a Signee completes a signature added to the contract (Every signature) or only after the last signature that defines the contract as fully signed is completed (Final signature).
- Use the drop-down list to select the option to define whether creating or updating a Zenegy employee record should happen after each signature is added to the chosen contract or only after the last one.
- In our use case, we will choose the Final signature option under the automation setup and expect all required signatures to be added first for the signed contract to trigger the Zenegy employee record update or creation.
- After completing the trigger event configuration, you can confirm all customizations by clicking on Save, and the next step in the automation setup will be displayed.
How can I configure the action event?
This step covers the action that the trigger event you have just defined will automate. You can use the search bar to locate the option Create or update employee:
A new configuration window will appear on the right side of the screen. Here you will be able to define the new Zenegy record configuration including Basic, Additional, and Banking details, Address, Information about employment, and Salary profile.
All of this can be done in three separate tabs that are directly linked to your Zenegy application: Profile, Employee, and Salary:
The configuration of all tabs is completely customizable and very easy to follow. Keep reading for guidelines on completing these configuration steps.
How do I use the Profile tab?
- The first configuration type is under the Profile tab. Under this tab, you can start by pulling the Basic contact details, including the new employee's email address, Name, and CPR number, which are also required data points.
- You can manually type in any text input or use variables (Data fields) from the template used in the trigger event step ("Contract is signed") and auto-populating their values.
You can do that by searching and populating the variables across the respective fields of each section under the Profile tab in the Automation Builder:
- You can use any Parties or Signees' variables and define which specific Signee in the required signatures' sequence to be used for the essential details auto-population.
- In most cases, the employee will be signing the contract after the employer, as in our case, the employee we want to create in Zenegy will be the Second contract Signee:
- Once you have filled in the Profile details of the Zenegy employee record, click Save, and the main profile data will be now used as a link with your Contractbook document to automatically create or update a new employee in your Zenegy payroll system.
How do I use the Employee tab?
- Once you are done with the Profile tab of the configuration, you can then move to the Employee tab:
- The primary purpose of the Employee tab is to allow you the creation of a complete employment profile by automatically populating Data fields from the template chosen under the first step of the automation setup.
How can I use Party or Signee variables in my automation?
- You can always use any Party or Signee variable when adding Data fields to the title or note under the information about employment section (Note: all details added here are optional).
- This helps you deliver essential details to the new Zenegy employee record fetched directly from the associated with any contract Signee information.
- You can connect the data of your Zenegy employment record to a specific job title, employment date, ancinity date, and salary type (a drop-down list under the salary type allows you multiple options for a single selection):
How do I use the Salary tab?
- The last possible configuration of the new Zenegy record automation step is placed under the Salary tab and represents the complete customized salary profile of the new employee's record in your Zenegy system:
- You can use the fields under this tab in the automation configuration to select one of the available in the drop-down lists options under Pay type, Payment period, Hourly Rate, and Number of hours:
- You can fetch the set salary and number of hours values from the respective Data fields added to the template you have selected in the previous automation setup step.
- The payroll period can be selected as a single-choice option from the drop-down list:
- Once you have filled in the details in the last Salary tab, click Save to complete the whole automation configuration.
How can I start using my new Zenegy automation?
- Once you have all three tabs you want to customize completed, click on Save to confirm the configuration of the complete automation and then Publish in the upper right-hand corner to set it into active use.
How can I rename the automation?
- You can always rename the automation and its steps as you find fit by clicking on the small pen icon next to the generic title in the upper left-hand corner.
- In the example we are working with, let us call it "Create or update employee in Zenegy":
How can I make changes to published automation?
Note: If at one point you need to make any changes to the automation, remember to unpublish it first, then make the needed edits and click again on Publish to put the workflow into practice. You can control that by turning the Status toggle bar on or off:
How can I delete action in the Automation Builder?
At the very bottom of each action configuration window, you have the option to delete only this specific action and not the complete automation:
How can I use the activity feed of my automation?
- If you click on the three grey dots next to the status toggle bar, you will be able to open, rename, delete, duplicate, or see the activity feed of the automated configuration steps:
- Remember that the automation must be active (published) for the activities to be available and inactive (unpublished) to be deleted.
How can I check the result of the automation?
Below you can find video guidance on the test performance and a step-by-step description of the process that will follow right after:
- For the test to be performed, you need to find the template you used in the trigger event of the automation setup, then first save the template as a new draft, turn it into a contract by initiating the signature process, then first sign it on your behalf and then fully by completing the signature of the relevant additional Signees.
- You can start by testing the workflow without sending it to an external Party. To achieve that, you can add a testing account. You have login rights as the second Signee after yourself.
- Note: As mentioned above, you must ensure that all relevant data points you want to add or update in your employee record in Zenegy are available in the prepared document in the form of Data fields.
Important note: The unique identifier of each Zenegy record is the CPR number of the employee, which will be automatically fetched from the National ID no. value of the Party details field at the top section of the contract.
- Always add the correct value in this field, and do not leave it empty.
- If this field is left blank, the automation will fail:
- As soon as the contract has been fully signed, go to your documents overview and check the Notifications under your account.
- The status of the automation will be listed there as either successful or failed:
How can I fix a failed automation?
In case the automation has failed, you can access the detailed view by clicking on the failed notification in the list:
- In this view, you can identify the reason for the failure by expanding the failure to run details.
- You can then use the information found there to change the automation from the configuration settings.
- In this case, the CPR number of the Party we have signed the agreement with is incorrect or missing, and we have to sign a new contract with the correct National ID no. field added to the Party's details:
- For the typed-in contract values to be accepted and added to the new hire's record in Zenegy, the relevant expected format must be applied to all fields, which include employee data we want to save as a result of the fully signed employment contract.
How does a new Zenegy record get created?
- If your automation has run successfully, you can return to your Zenegy platform and refresh the Employees page under your account.
- A new record should be available among your list of employees:
Note: By default, all Zenegy employee records will be listed in alphabetical order:
- The new record will be created with the same properties you have configured under the three tabs of the second automation step.
- The related to employee data will be prefilled in references to all defined Data fields of the signed contract data:
The new Zenegy employee record is now completed and includes the specified by you data points associated with them; variables fetched directly from the fully signed employee contract, which triggers the automation flow.
How does a Zenegy record get updated?
- If the employee record you have signed the new contract with already exists in your Zenegy employees' database, a new record will not be created, but the existing one will be updated with any missing data.
- It will be automatically fetched from the filled-in Data fields of the employment contract signed by the relevant employee.
- This usage type of Contractbook integration with Zenegy is perfect for any new changes to your employees' records, such as promotions leading to salary raises and higher positions.
- If the employee is a pre-existing record, it will be recognized by the unique identifier of the profile (the CPR number of the employee). After the employee contract is fully signed and the automation runs, the missing Zenegy data under this employee record will be automatically updated regarding all new Data fields filled in the signed contract data, which are defined under the action event configuration step "Create or update employee."
Now that you have tested using Contractbook in-app integration with Zenegy across your automations, you are ready to save time and scale your business by automatically creating a new or updating an existing employee record in Zenegy each time an employment agreement in Contractbook is fully signed. No more manual work and risk of errors.
If you still need additional information or assistance, reach out to us at any time by contacting our Support Team.
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