Why do only some of my activities appear under my document history?
The Document history section of all your drafts will always include the completed activities saved in their draft state.
This includes tasks creation and their completion, all edits, views, and downloads related to this draft:
Once you turn a draft into a pending contract by initiating the signature process, the Document history at its bottom will no longer display the details of all draft-related stages:
The reason for the differences is that there might be disclosed sensitive details concerning your contract creation workflow, which you would not want to show your recipients.
This way, you avoid exposing sensitive data in this section of your contracts once they are viewed by external parties.
What happens with the document history when I save a pending contract as a new draft?
If you save a pending (or signed) contract as a new draft, the Document history section will be initiated from scratch:
The History list will not visualize any details of the activities performed in the contract you used to create the new draft.
Can I see how many times a pending contract is being opened by the recepient?
The contract owner will always be allowed to see how many times in total a pending contract was viewed by any of the counterparties and when precisely by looking at the contract's document history section:
Document audit trail (deprecated history in PDF)
Document history in drafts
If you download a draft as PDF, there will no longer be Document history information listing the activities executed in the document.
Deprecate history in Pending and Signed contracts
If a contract is pending or signed and you download it as a PDF, you will get displayed only the "Audit trail" at the bottom of the contract.
This includes only the timestamps for signing and no additional events.
- You overcome the risk of exposing recipients with a Full activity audit trail by default.
- All included in the contract parties will not get overwhelmed with long audit trails.
- The full Document history, including all views, downloads, tasks, and comments related to this contract, will not be visible once the contract is downloaded as a PDF:
- Additionally, the IP addresses of all signees will be displayed in the .pdf file of the downloaded contract.
- Currently, there is no way of hiding this piece of information. It will be displayed along with all other data that is entered into the contract before sending it for signature:
If you still need additional information or assistance, reach out to us at any time by contacting our Support Team.
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