To customize a Contractbook template open your chosen template, click on the three small dots in the top right-hand corner, and choose Save as a new template.

Now you have saved the template as your own which means you can edit it as you want. If you are not sure how to make edits in our editor please have a look at our detailed Contactbook Editor article.
Once you have finished editing the content, use the buttons on the top bar and choose between the following options:
- Save changes. If you click here your new template will be saved under Templates tab - My templates.
- Select one of the options under the three dots:
- Save as a new template . This will save the template as a copy with your own modifications. You can then use the template to create an unlimited amount of contracts by saving them as a draft before initiating the signature process.
- Save as a new draft This will not save the changes you have made on your template but create a draft based on them which you can then use to send for signature.
- Send template. In case you want to allow direct access to an identical template with your changes to your team members or other external parties. Remember to press Save changes before sending, otherwise, you will share the original predefined Contractbook template.
Can I directly use a predefined template to create a contract?
Suppose you need one of the templates available in our Contractbook library only for a single contract. In that case, you can turn it into a draft directly from the templates overview without saving it as a private template first:

This allows you to make the needed adjustment, edit the contents, parties, and signatures sections and then turn the draft into a contract by initiating the signature process.
If you still need additional information or assistance, reach out to us at any time via our Online Support Chat or by sending us an email .