What do I need to get started on a Foundation plan?
In this section of the article, we will go through the onboarding checklist to get you started on our Foundation plan.
- Set up your profile: you can easily complete your profile settings, but this will save you so much time going forward! The information you add under Profile settings -> Company and Personal details will always be available to you on all your Contractbook contracts in one-click time.
Get to know the difference between templates and drafts: and learn how to add Data fields and Metadata fields to all your documents.
We have built a data library of the most common contract Data fields. In our library, you can filter based on different contract types or contract workflows such as HR, Compliance, NDA, DPA, Employment, Sales, and more. - Create a Smart Template and enrich it with Data fields. You can also test our Smart Templates conversion and turn any of your pre-existing templates into a dynamic searchable format with the use of Data and Metadata Fields.
Basic recommended workflows and features: getting a basic idea about creating drafts from your templates and sending them for signatures to your recipients will boost your onboarding. You can test the way it works:
Use the template you have already created in step 4 and save it as a draft.-
Can you already see the difference in locating templates and drafts under your folders?
Now find the draft you have created and turn it into a contract by sending it to some of your teammates.
The recipients from your team can then use our Guides for Recipients to learn how to turn the contract you sent into a fully signed document in Contractbook. -
Learn how to add Comments and make Suggestions: get to know the private commenting and suggesting features you can use with your teammates across all your contract drafts. And use the public commenting mode to invite any external collaborators to revise documents directly in Contractbook.
Can you already see the difference in locating templates and drafts under your folders?
Organize your documents: during this step, you can create a private folder and move documents to it.
You can also explore how shared folders work by creating one, adding a document to it, sharing it with your team, and learning about the way Document Version History of documents within shared folders work.
By getting an idea about the difference between adding and moving documents to your folders, you will be ready to manage your legal obligations more structured and synchronized than ever. - Basic in-app automation builder workflows: get ready to leverage your contracts lifecycle by automating the most time-consuming workflows. As a commonly used example, you can use our in-app Automation Builder to add automatic tasks and use the automatic date extraction in uploaded contracts and attachments for creating reminders in your contracts.
What do I need to get started with my Automated Workflows?
How to achieve the best imaginable setup?
Define who is going to be involved in the call with us: we recommend the person who signed the contract with us to be present, and the implementation manager from your company if that person is different than the signee.
Additionally, it is expected that the person on the onboarding call with us has admin rights to the tool you want to integrate with (for example Salesforce, HubSpot, Pipedrive, etc). -
Identify the general automation workflows: having a plan about which steps in your usual contracts management lifecycle you want to automate will be very beneficial for your entire onboarding process.
You can read use our No Code Automation Builder and Integrations articles for more insights about the possibilities to empower your contract management flow. -
Use Data fields and Metadata fields to mark the most important information in your documents: With the workflow in mind, as a next step, you need to make sure the templates that are going to be used for the automation setup include the data points which will be pulled into the draft created from it defined as Data fields.
This will allow the automation to recognize and fetch the right data as a result.
We have assembled this suggested Data fields library to help you find inspiration for the most important contracts data that will turn your team templates into smart ones. -
Define the data points in the external tool we will connect with Contractbook: Last but not least, you need to make sure that you have the data points in the external tool you want to integrate with Contractbook defined as well.
Here are some example data points in HubSpot that can usually be broken down into two categories:-
Contract data
Billing data
Examples of HubSpot data:
- Line items title
- Line items price
- Total amount per month
- Currency
- Hubspot deal ID
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